We're thrilled to announce bank account connections, making it easier than ever to have a true picture of your cash available to invest. This is a top requested feature, so we're really excited to unveil it.
Note, these connections are in beta. We'll be streamlining the connection process and adding support for additional banks. Please let us know if you encounter any issues.
💰 How much cash should I keep?
Keeping funds in cash is personal—you may need it for a downpayment on a house, a new car, or building up an emergency fund.
However, having too much cash comes with a big opportunity cost. Consider this—keeping $10,000 in cash rather than investing it could result in nearly $10,000 of missed gains over 10 years and over $66,000 over 30 years, assuming historical average stock market returns of 7%/year.
How can Mezzi help?
1. View your family's total cash: Understand your family's total exposure to cash
2. Compare across accounts: Understand and track opportunities to put cash to work, whether that is in a retirement, taxable, or checking account.
3. Optimize your allocation: Mezzi's insights make it easier to invest that extra cash or decide what to sell tax-efficiently.
4. Shared views with a partner: Invite your partner to connect their accounts (without having to share passwords) and stay on the same page regarding how much of your wealth should be invested vs. in cash.

Start connecting your banks in Mezzi
1. Navigate to the Profile page
2. Go to Linked brokers
3. Press Connect new account
4. Scroll to Other if your bank isn't on the list